Finally the day has come, and all of the worry and stress, and tears were worth it. Makinna went into surgery just before 8am this morning, California time, and was done by 10:40 am. She was so good, and the nurses said that she went to sleep with a smile on her face! So typical for my little sunshine. She was so funny with the meds! They give something to relax and settle them before they put them out. It was great! She didn't even notice when they took her from me. She played with us for about 20 minutes and then I peacefully placed her in the surgical nurses arms and watched as she walked away with my life in her hands! They worked so hard to make us feel safe and secure. The anaesthesiologist was incredible and really knew his stuff. He called me last night before bed to go over stuff with me.
The surgery its self wasn't really long, but it felt like an eternity!! I was so excited to see her face once they let us back. She was sleeping peacefully. The Dr. reported that everything went as well as he could have hoped. They had no problems putting her out or waking her up. They even went the extra mile and snapped some pictures in the O.R for me. I asked them to save the hair for me since Makinna has never had a first hair cut, and they brought it out to me in a little bag. I was just blown away by the staff, the Dr's and the atmosphere. They went so far beyond the call of duty.
We only stayed there about 2 hours after and the process was smooth except when she first woke up. She immediately noticed the IV in her hand and the hard board taped all around her arm and flipped out! She screamed to take it off, and they promptly did. She was calm until you did something that upset her, then she lost it! Trey was coming to quick stops, and she screeched for him to SLOW DOWN DADDY!! and TURN THAT OFF!! she was referring to the GPS, she hates to hear that woman talk..we have temporarily named her Alice. Other than that, she was very hungry and thirsty when she got back. She has laid around all day, and never complained once, but wants me within touching distance at all times. We have been careful to not upset her, so that means getting her way today..and possibly tomorrow as well.. :)
I loaded some pics for everyone. They are not very graphic, this surgery isn't as topically invasive as the next will be. I also have no idea what the skin graft will look like yet either, so I might change my mind when I see it. That part is still bandaged. She has tried to remove the wrap a few times, but has otherwise been ok with it.
These pictures go in order from arrival to this afternoon...
This is in the waiting room before we were called back.

A few minutes after the versed was given, starting to get loopy.

Really loopy..cuddly and sweet!
These are ones they took for me inside the operating room. This was after the tube was placed and her head was shaved. They really made a larger shave then i thought they would.

This is after the surgery is complete and during the dressing process. You can double click to see the larger images. The new ear will form around the new canal. That is what will take place in February.

I didn't recognize her at first. I thought they took someone else's pic with my camera by mistake. I was upset, I kept asking Trey if that was really her. This was right before they took out the tube, her eyes were still taped shut.

She was waking up now, and getting upset off and on. She liked the rub though.

This was just a few hours after the surgery, and she was eating, and smiled a little. Still groggy, but not enough to skip the meal. I was so glad to see her eat. She drank about a pint of milk without stopping. I was worried she would vomit, but i feared loosing a hand or at least a finger if I tried to take it from her!
Thanks so much for the love, support, prayers, and care you have all shown us. we have been blessed here in California so wonderfully as well. We are staying with an incredible couple who have been so kind to us. They have not only provided us with a place to stay and unbelievably, also a car to drive, but they have been feeding us outstanding meals every night! God has placed this family in our lives for a reason, and we are beyond grateful for what they have done for us. All of your prayers have helped us to make it through this process. We have waited three long years to see this day, and because of you and the love you have all shown us, and mostly because of God's unending grace, our baby girl can now hear in both ears! Your gift has deepened our faith and trust. We cannot thank you all enough. I will continue to post things while we are out here and throughout the coming weeks. We are going to relax tomorrow and let Makinna decide what she is ready for!