Well, it has been busy in the Sherwood house! We have swam, and visited family, and swam some more. Makinna loves the water, she is a fish. She keeps asking if we are going to the pool today. We got to visit the beach before Dakota left for the summer. Makinna just wanted to stand in the ocean the whole time, she wanted to be lifted up from the waves, so we got quite tired of lifting her, but she loved it so much we couldn't resist! There are also some pics from the visit to my moms house, and 4th of July. I will be posting information about the fundraising concert soon. Save the date if you can, it will be August 29th. 
July 4th fashion show.

The girls used about a bottle of bubbles..

Aww, I love my sissy or "KiKi" as she says.

Our trip to the beach on Sand Key. Makinna loved the water. It really was beautiful that day!

Our family, poor Dakota had sunscreen in his eyes the whole time. It was my fault by accident. I felt really bad.

This is Logan, Makinna's betrothed future husband. I love the look he's giving..

"Honey, just ask for directions already, we are so late!"