Thursday, July 8, 2010

Last Surgery on the Horizon...

Hi Everyone,

I'm so sorry I have been neglecting the blogger world! We have had so much going on. We are preparing for our last trip to Los Angles in August. Makinna has her last surgery on August 6th. Yippie!! We are so ready for this process to be behind us and for Makinna to be done with surgeries. It has been such an incredible blessing to have these surgeries and these doctors, but it really does take it out of you emotionally and financially.. :) We are going to have a car wash to raise money for the last trip on the 17th of July, and we are working on a few other last minute things as well. Your prayers for success would be very appreciated. We were very blessed to find someone to stay with out there this time so that has not costed us! That is such a large part of a trip cost. The worst part left is the $1100 tickets for the three of us. That was the cheapest I could find. I almost died!! That has come down from the original $1400 they were going to cost us. I guess summertime travel is more.

Anyway, Thanks to everyone who has held her in your prayers. Her ear is looking better all the time. I hope that all of the minor details will be worked out in this last surgery. Dr. Lewin wants to straighten her ear lobe and fix her Tragus as well. There is also scar tissue built up from the very first surgery that needs to be removed as well. I guess there is more to do, since she said it would be about a 4 hour surgery this time. That seems like nothing at all compared to her previous 11 hours. There was such a peace during her surgery last time. I wish that I had that same sure feeling during that 6 hours on a plane! :)

So prayers for a great surgery and a great fundraising effort. If you have friends that haven't seen her website yet, please feel free to send it around. We are in the process of getting post surgery pics added to the website as well, but there are still donation options on the site. Thanks again!! Love and hugs to everyone.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hi everyone,

So sorry it has taken me so long to update. I have been just kind of riding the wave. Makinna is doing great! She is 12 weeks post op and I think her ear looks incredible. There is still redness and little issues, but for a new ear in 12 weeks, its really going well. We have to go back to California for the last stage in August, so we are trying to get funds raised and saved for that trip. Thankfully it wont be as long, but there are so many expenses involved. Makinna is so excited to see her favorite Dr. Lewin. I am not ready to go back on an airplane, but I cant wait to get it all done and over with! This surgery is only supposed to run about 3 hours. That will be like a long lunch compared to the 11 we went through last time.

We have had to use a plug with steroid gel in her canal because it was shrinking a little, but it seems to be working so far. She is getting much better at letting me clean it and do the maintenance on it.

Her talking has improved so much that I cant even believe it. She is really getting her own personality. I think that this has shaped her and taught her she can do many things that she didn't think she could. I know it has taught me that. Its funny how straight comes when you really need it. God has been so good to us.

If you get time and would like to share Makinna's journey with anyone, please pass it along. Every little bit helps! Thanks so much for all of the prayers and support, it has truly meant the world to us.

Our matching girls on Easter..Makinna loved hunting eggs.

Makinna at the beach during spring break..

She always asks me to see her pics after I take them. She is so proud!

Such a happy girl!

This is before the gel opened her canal a little larger..

Friday, February 5, 2010

Well, thankfully, surgery number 2 is complete, and the healing process has begun. This surgery was much more difficult than the first one by far. She was in much more pain afterwards and couldn't keep food down for almost 2 days. She is feeling better now, but is having a lot of itching. She had her first post op today and the Dr said that everything looked really good for this stage in the recovery. We will have to closely monitor it over the next several months to be sure that the skin covering the new ear doesn't die or damage. I have added some pics below. Some are a little scary, but its the way it should look right now. The color will fade to pink and the over 200 stitches will dissolve over time, leaving her ear nice and pretty in a few months.

At the beach before the surgery.

Happy before her surgery..
After 11 hours of surgery, not so happy...

This is what she did for over 24 hours...
This was the first smile we got, 48 hours later. She loves her new earrings! She would stand in the mirror and stare at them, touching her ear and talking about the other one that's new..

This is Dr. Lewin, our wonderful Dr.

The big reveal...her new ear. We think it looks incredible.

That will eventually look like any other ear

Straight on view...

Happy girl with mommy and daddy

Thank you all for your prayers and love. We couldn't have made it without you all. We have felt the prayers working and it means so much to know that others are following along with us as we go through this journey. Makinna finally has an ear after all this time waiting and praying. God is so good!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Surgery # 2 is in the morning!

Hello everyone, I'm sorry it has taken so long to get this post ready. We have been so busy with Christmas and preparing for this second trip. We are here in Los Angles and the surgery is bright and early tomorrow. Makinna is in good spirits and said she is ready for her new ear. We met the Dr this morning and went over all of the important information and now the waiting begins. The surgery will be 9 hours straight and that is a long time to sit. I wish they would put me to sleep too. We appreciate all the prayers you can send our way. I'm sure that all will go fine, but maybe for our peace of mind and her pain level afterwards. I will post pictures as soon as i can. Thanks again for all of your support!