So sorry it has taken me so long to update. I have been just kind of riding the wave. Makinna is doing great! She is 12 weeks post op and I think her ear looks incredible. There is still redness and little issues, but for a new ear in 12 weeks, its really going well. We have to go back to California for the last stage in August, so we are trying to get funds raised and saved for that trip. Thankfully it wont be as long, but there are so many expenses involved. Makinna is so excited to see her favorite Dr. Lewin. I am not ready to go back on an airplane, but I cant wait to get it all done and over with! This surgery is only supposed to run about 3 hours. That will be like a long lunch compared to the 11 we went through last time.
We have had to use a plug with steroid gel in her canal because it was shrinking a little, but it seems to be working so far. She is getting much better at letting me clean it and do the maintenance on it.
Her talking has improved so much that I cant even believe it. She is really getting her own personality. I think that this has shaped her and taught her she can do many things that she didn't think she could. I know it has taught me that. Its funny how straight comes when you really need it. God has been so good to us.
If you get time and would like to share Makinna's journey with anyone, please pass it along. Every little bit helps! Thanks so much for all of the prayers and support, it has truly meant the world to us.
Our matching girls on Easter..Makinna loved hunting eggs.
Makinna at the beach during spring break..
She always asks me to see her pics after I take them. She is so proud!